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Two wartime reports by the Allies attempted to analyse Hitler psychologically. Hitler and Braun married in late April 1945, less than 40 hours before committing suicide together. Braun biographer Heike Görtemaker notes that the couple enjoyed a normal sex life. His relationship with Eva Braun, which lasted nearly 14 years, was hidden from the public and all but his inner circle. A third died of complications eight years after a suicide attempt, and a fourth also attempted suicide.Īdolf Hitler created a public image of a celibate man without a domestic life, dedicated entirely to his political mission and the governance of Nazi Germany. His name has been linked to a number of possible female lovers, two of whom committed suicide. There is evidence that he had relationships with a number of women during his lifetime, as well as evidence of his antipathy to homosexuality, and no evidence of homosexual encounters. The sexuality of Adolf Hitler, dictator of Germany from 1933 to 1945, has long been a matter of historical and scholarly debate, as well as speculation and rumour. Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun with their dogs at the Berghof

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